Please consider donating. The public version of RPG Manager includes all the features of the program but is limited to the creation and management of small size maps. A donation is required to access the full version. If you feel that the program is worth something to you and also, as a means of rewarding many years of hard work, please donate.

RPG Manager v2.27 (26.4 Mb.)
Extract the zipped archive with the "Use folder names" option selected in WinZip.

Version 2.27 released on Monday 28 October 2013
- Fixed a bug when generating a new world or location map using a custom created tileset.

Version 2.26 released on Monday 14 October 2013
- Fixed a couple of bugs with world moon and tides editing in the Campaign Editor. With some screen resolutions the "Generate" button would not show. Also fixed a faulty flag which allowed to save data even if this was incomplete.

Version 2.25 released on Tuesday 10 April 2012
- Added "Trade Commodities" in the Game Manager. You can access them by right-clicking on a world terrain map which has a trading market assigned.
- Fixed a bug with the "Trade Commodities" utility in the Campaign Editor.
- Saving throws fields in the character and creature sheet now allow for negative values.
- Resized the objects window so that it entirely fits on screen in case of on low resolutions computers.

Version 2.24 released on Friday 11 November 2011
- Added a zoom map feature in the Campaign Editor. You can zoom out and view a larger portion of your map or zoom in and edit the map as usual.
- Added a new cool feature which allows you to lock layers in the layer toolbar. For more information please click here.
- Added a scrollbox in "World Calendar & Events", to allow display for big calendars.
- Changed the color of the layer 4 world tiles, to red, for more contrast.
- Fixed a bug with the world calendar in the Campaign Editor. After changing a world calendar from the "World Description" window, the calendar would not be updated.
- Fixed a bug with moon and tides in the Campaign Editor, which prevented data saving if the "Moon and Tides" window was previously opened up and then closed with the Cancel button. This has been fixed also.

Version 2.23 released on Wednesday 12 October 2011
- You can now convert .BMP images of any size into world or location maps.
- Hexagon/square boundaries of maps imported from images are not black anymore, but of a shaded color.
- Added a replace tile function in world and location maps (right-click).
- When randomizing worlds you can now choose the % of land/water.
- Added zoom in random world preview.
- Added a refresh button in random world preview.
- Optimized world randomozation for large maps.
- Added a couple of missing tiles in layer 3, used in Bodiam Castle location map (chains for drawbridges).
- You can now add a spherical/elliptical effect to randomized worlds.
- Added support for 1600x1200 screen resolution.
- Fixed a problem with group member movement rate when such member was using a transport.
- Fixed a problem with estimated movement rate and movement time calculation in the Game Manager, in the absence of weather data.
- Fixed a bug when switching from GURPS to RPG Manager data in the Game Manager. Some controls would not be positioned or displayed correctly.

Version 2.22 released on Tuesday 13 September 2011
- Added GURPS data management and the possibility to switch between RPG Manager data and GURPS data.
- Enabled 1280x1024 and 1920x1080 resolutions.
- Now you can type in and save data in most comboboxes even though such data is not listed as a possible selection.
- Many data sheets do not require to fill in all the requested data before saving.
- In the equipment sheet you can now double-click on the water or air maneuverability class field to open up the correspondant table.
- Enabled the funtion to delete a custom table or rule.
- Fixed a program error when deleting a skill.
- Fixed a program bug which would not load up the last line of a skill description.
- Fixed a program bug with Tables and Rules.
- Some minor tweaks in the character and creature sheets.
- Fixed several small bugs in the Game Manager.

Version 2.21 released on Thursday 30 June 2011
- Added the possibility in the Campaign Editor, to create and use models for random encounters.
- Fixed a serious problem with the management of terrain descriptions in the Campaign Editor. Deleting a terrain description would delete all descriptions for the selected terrain.
- Fixed a problem with map links. When assigning an image link after doing a map link, the map link would remain thus the terrain would have both, which unfortunately is not possible.
- Fixed a problem with the map links monitor not breaking out in case of loops.
- Removed possible duplicate entries in the map links monitor.
- Some other minor fixes in map links.

Version 2.20 released on Thursday 09 June 2011
- Fixed a wrong path reference when adding an image link to a location. The path would get the "Worlds" folder instead of the "Locations" folder.
- Added a green color background in the terrain list of the world and location "Terrain description" window, to point out the terrains which have at least one description associated.
- Added a green color background in the terrain list of the world "Weather" window, to point out the terrains which have weather associated.
- Added a green color background in the terrain list of the world "Trading goods" window, to point out the terrains which have trading goods associated.
- Added a green color background in the terrain list of the world "Random encounters" window, to point out the terrains which have a random encounter associated.
- Added a few other standard layer 4 location tiles: stairs and chimneys.

Version 2.19 released on Tuesday 24 May 2011
- A serious problem with objects placement in location maps would occur after resizing such maps. The objects would not be assigned the new position coordinates, instead they would retain their old ones. In the end, this would cause a wrong allocation of objects which after such map resizing could not be moved, rotated or deleted anymore. This problem has been fixed now. But, to fix this issue also in those location maps which have already been saved, I have added a new command under the Campaign Editor, Location menů, called "Fix wrong object positions". Once selected, a routine will go through all objects in your location map and adjust their placement data correctly.
- Added some new standard location tiles (for layers 3 and 4): spiral staircases, doors and windows sections, along with a few more fireplaces that can be positioned along different width walls.
- Added tile randomization when enlarging a world map.
- Added tile randomization when enlarging a location map.

Version 2.18 released on Monday 18 May 2011
- When you create a world map or a location map from an external .BMP image, now the preview will show accordingly to the map.
- Added recurrent events in the calendar. Now you can add just one time, those events which periodically occur every year.
- Fixed a program bug which would not let you import some .BMP images as a location map.
- After re-opening an object window, zoom factors would not be reset to 100%. Now they are.
- Fixed an error which occurred when placing a new default object after another one.
- Fixed an annoying bug in the editor. After placing a tile and then rotating/mirroring it, it was not possible to redraw it on the same place.
- Fixed some small issues with the group window calendar (day popup menu, negative values, etc.).

Version 2.17 released on Thursday 14 April 2011
- Added support for a screen resolution of 1280x768. This is now the minimum required resolution to run the program and cannot be further lowered.
- Optimized placement of objects during object insertion into a location map or when moving objects around.
- Fixed a problem with the zoom in the insert object windows. The zoom buttons would not work, showing no object image.
- Fixed a bug with the refresh objects command in location maps. Sometimes the command was not showing.

Version 2.16 released on Thursday 31 March 2011
- Reworked the graphics engine to allow for dynamic resizing of some windows (mainly maps and groups). Now the optimized screen resolutions are 1440x900, 1680x1050 and 1920x1200. Map windows have been extended to the maximum possibile size.
- Enabled fast map scrolling using the keyboard arrows. Each keyboard arrow scrolls the map by a number of 8 hexagons or squares.
- Enlarged and repositioned the map preview window.
- Added a terrain name edit button in the Campaign Editor, to quickly "paint" terrain names of world and location maps.
- Now the mouse changes to a cross when editing maps in the Campaign Editor.
- Double-clicking on the transport and weapon in use edit boxes of the group window in the Game Manager now opens the related equipment.
- Now the group window title bar in the Game Manager displays the image of the token which eventually identifies the group on a map.
- Fixed a serious bug with the calendar which would produce an access violation error after placing a group in a map. This bug was introduced with a previous version.
- Fixed a serious problem with terrain descriptions in location maps. Terrain names were not displayed.
- When searching for a terrain using the search box or the map preview, centered the destination on the screen.
- Fixed a color problem with location maps preview in the Game Manager.
- Fixed several minor bugs and annoyances in the Game Manager. Tweaked some other small features.

Version 2.15 released on Friday 18 March 2011
- Fixed a serious program error in the Game Manager, when loading up a map imported from an image.
- Added moon phases and tides to worlds.
- Added a new program table called MOON AND TIDE STRENGTH, to be used in conjunction with moon phases. The table has been already populated with data.
- Added a function to speed up weather assignment. Now you can copy weather from one terrain to another.
- Improved load time of equipment data, which is now much faster.
- Improved load time of character data which is now much faster.
- Improved loading of data in the world monitor, which is now much faster.
- Fixed a bug in the world monitor which would display a valid location map link as non existant (yellow stoplight).
- Optimized loading of data in the equipment monitor, which is now much faster.
- Added data sorting and refreshing in the equipment monitor. Also, double-clicking on an equipment now opens its data sheet.
- When enlarging maps, you can now choose which fill terrain type to use among the ones in all the tilesets available.
- Added a new program table called MAGIC SURGES. The table has been already populated with data and in the Game Manager enables you to randomize an effect.
- Improved the save game features in the Game Manager.
- Fixed a minor annoyance with the list boxes in the random encounters table.

Version 2.14 released on Tuesday 08 February 2011
- Created a new tileset for world maps called "RPG Manager 1.x - Classic". This tileset has a classic style and graphical flavor and always inherits terrain options from the "RPG Manager 2.x" tileset.
- Added the possibility to switch from the "RPG Manager 2.x" world tileset to the new "RPG Manager 1.x - Classic" tileset and viceversa.
- Maximized world and location maps in the Campaign Editor.
- When creating a new world or location you can now choose the default terrain which is initially applied to the maps.
- When creating a new world you can choose to have RPG Manager randomize one for you. You'll love this feature. Let me know what you think about it because I seriously intend to optimize it in the future and add more complexity to it.
- Reworked the linked locations management in the Campaign Editor maps. Added a "Map Links" button to each map to browse through the list of linked locations.
- Added world and location map tokens. Tokens are the markers which represent groups and members in maps. Now these can be added and modified at will. For further information please refer to the following page:
- Added a "Remove group" command in the Game Manager world map to remove a group previously placed on the map.
- The "Delete map link..." command in world and location maps was not enabled in the Campaign Editor. Thus, created links could not be removed. It has been fixed.
- When creating a new location, tiles were not given their terrain description but their X and Y coordinates instead. Fixed.
- Fixed a bug in the map links monitor which would not crrectly list linked location in the form of images.
- Fixed an issue with the eraser which would not erase the last drawn tile.
- Fixed an annoyance with the eraser. When erasing you could not select any toolbar tile. Now, doing so would automatically exit from the eraser mode.
- Fixed a small bug in the search terrain window.

Version 2.13 released on Tuesday 23 November 2010
- Added bigger map windows for high resolution full HD monitors (1920x1200 or above), which also contain a list of map links.
- Added a map links monitor which shows, in a tree view, the relationships between all your maps.
- Added a progress bar which displays when saving maps.
- In the Game Manager, during the night, visibility has been set to be always 0 hexagons (or just the current hexagon). This is more realistic.
- In the Game Manager, added a hint, displaying weapon statistics, to the "Weapon in use" combobox of each group member.
- Added saved game date information when loading a game in the Game Manager.
- Fixed an issue when renaming world and location maps in the Campaign Editor.
- Fixed a caption problem with the world and location window after map resizing.
- Removed the '%' label from visibility in the world terrain options. Visibility was never calculated in % but in number of hexagons.

Version 2.12 released on Tuesday 02 November 2010
- Many fields are no longer defined as required fields in the creature sheet.
- Many fields are no longer defined as required fields in the equipment sheet.
- Added many new features in the initiative calculation process in the Game Manager.
- In the Game Manager, selecting an item in the initiative combobox now displays the group and its member.
- Added a button in the Game Manager group window to force a random encounter generation.
- Fixed the status bar text dimension in world maps and location maps.
- Fixed a problem in the Game Manager which would not allow to view world events after a group movement or a calendar adjustment.
- Fixed a bug in the Game Manager when selecting a particular movement type for a group transport.
- Fixed a number of bugs in calendar, weather management and movement calculation in the Game Manager.
- Fixed a bug in the Game Manager: after loading a saved game, if group movement occurred the program would crash.
- Fixed a bug in the Game Manager: under certain circumstance, group visibility was not correctly calculated.
- Fixed a bug in the Game Manager: disbanding a group after manual selecting a weather type would crash the program.

Version 2.11 released on Thursday 21 October 2010
- Added a new feature in the Campaign Editor: the possibility to import any bitmap (.BMP) image as a tilable and editable world map (feature available only in the full version).
- Optimized disk sizes for location and world maps created from imported external images. The tilesets generated for such maps are now up to 5 times smaller than before.
- Fixed a bug which was preventing the loading of the POISON TYPES program embedded table.
- Populated the POISON TYPES table with meaningful data.
- Fixed an issue in the equipment monitor which would not display movement rates for transports.
- Added a prompt on program exit in the Campaign Editor and in the Game Manager.
- In the equipment data sheet, loosened many fields, which now do not require an obligatory input anymore.
- Added the "Incendiary" and "Explosive" weapon types.

Version 2.10 released on Friday 27 August 2010
- Fixed many bugs with the calendar controls in the group window of the Game Manager.
- Fixed many bugs with combat in the Game Manager.
- Fixed a problem with groups entering a map link. The map link would not work and the group would not be relocated.
- Fixed same problem with members.

Version 2.09 released on Thursday 26 August 2010
- Fixed a serious problem when using the new eraser tool. After using the eraser, the drawing toolbar would remain disabled.
- Fixed a problem when enlarging world and location maps. No terrain type was available for filling the new enlarged areas.
- When editing location maps, added a scroll through feature to the default object combobox to display objects preview by just scrolling the control.
- Added map size information to the window caption of world and location maps.
- Added object size to the object preview window in the Campaign Editor.

Version 2.08 released on Monday 23 August 2010
- Added a new feature in the Campaign Editor: the possibility to import any bitmap (.BMP) image as a tilable and editable location map. You can also add a square grid to such imported maps.
- Also, in the Campaign Editor I have added an eraser feature for location maps to allow for massively erasing of location layer tiles.
- Added a popup command in world and location maps in the Campaign Editor to copy a particular tile's terrain name to the terrain edit box.
- Fixed drag and drop in the creature sheet for the attack type controls.
- Fixed some annoying and minor bugs in spells management in the Campaign Editor.
- Enabled the search spell with same name button in the spell datasheet in the Campaign Editor.
- Enabled the search spell magic words control in the Game Manager.
- Fixed a problem that prevented from creating custom world and location maps bigger than 99x99 tiles.
- Tweaked the senses in the character and creature sheet. Now it is possible to assign a value of 0 to each sense.

Version 2.07 released on Tuesday 17 August 2010
- Added city tiles, a new set of location tiles to create villages and cities.
- Set a maximum number of rounds of 10 in the calendar. Fixed the events tool in the Game Manager accordingly.
- Revisited every program window to fix control misplacements and erroneus resizing when RPG Manager is used on high resolution screens.
- Added letter and number tiles to layer 4 of the standard tileset.

Version 2.06 released on Friday 18 June 2010
- Fixed a problem in the Campaign Editor with tilesets different from the standard one. Custom tilesets would show mixed up with the default. Now they don't anymore.
- Fixed a problem in the Campaign Editor with rules and tables importation from RPG Manager v1.x.
- In the Campaign Editor you could rename a rule even if no rule was selected. This was bringing to a program crash. Fixed.
- Removed the Rename button from the load rules & tables in the Game Manager.
- The load spell menu command was not working in the Game Manager. The problem has been fixed.
- The load skill menu command was not working in the Game Manager. The problem has been fixed.
- Fixed several issues with group events in the Game Manager.
- Fixed a problem with group notes in the Game Manager.

Version 2.05 released on Friday 11 June 2010
- Fixed a serious bug in the Game Manager which was preventing world and location map loading and thus the usage of many Game Manager features.
- Changed the weather management. Now it is possibile to assign separate ground, water and air movement modifiers based on weather conditions.
- Filled the weather table with descriptions, and with movement and vision modifiers.
- Changed the way that the group movement is calculated in the Game Manager. Now terrain types and weather conditions, apply first to any single group member. Then, group movement is calculated as the lowest movement rate among all members.
- Fixed several other bugs in the Game Manager with the calculation of movement and estimated movement time.
- Again in the Game Manager, the weather box now displays a hint with weather statistics.
- Added a popup to the weather box in the Game Manager to display the weather description.
- In the group management window of the Game Manager, the transport combobox now shows information on the transport movement rates.
- The load group feature in the Game Manager was not working at all. Fixed the problem.
- The delete group feature in the Game Manager was not working at all. Fixed the problem.

Version 2.04 released on Friday 21 May 2010
Fixed several problems with equipment in the Campaign Editor. In particular, an open equipment window would not close on exit and the equipment image would be sometimes replaced with the default one. In case of armors, the equipment would not save.
- Fixed several problems with equipment in the Game Manager. In particular, an open equipment window would not close on exit and the equipment image would be sometimes replaced with the default one.
- Fixed a problem with the skills window in the Campaign Editor. An open skill window would not close on exit.
- Fixed a problem with the spells window in the Campaign Editor. An open spell window would not close on exit.
- Added an equipment monitor in both the Campaign Editor and the Game Manager. The equipment monitor is a sort of summary of equipment statistics.

Version 2.03 released on Friday 07 May 2010
- Fixed several bugs and optimized the calendar creator walkthrough.
- Fixed a problem with the "Switch objects" command in the location map popup. The command would appear even if no objects were in the map.
- Fixed a bug in the Campaign Editor location maps. The size of characters/creatures inserted in the map would not show. Now it does.
- Fixed a problem with the TRADING COMMODITIES BASE PRICES table which would not load from the Campaign Editor menu.
- Added the TRADING COMMODITIES BASE PRICES table to the Game Manager. It was completely missing.
- Modified the duplicate "Tiny" label on the CHARATCER AND CREATURE DIMENSIONS table, the label should have been "Giant".
- Added drag and drop functionality in character and creature sheets.

Version 2.02 released on Friday 30 April 2010
- Fixed a bug when changing the world map description and hexagon size.
- Fixed a bug when changing the location map description and square size.
- Added a prompt when exiting a world or location map in the Campaign Manager.

Version 2.01 released on Monday 19 April 2010
- Optimized the objects engine to reduce object dimensions on disk.
- Increased length of object text boxes in order to display long object names.
- Changed the default object management in location maps. Default objects are now inserted by default afeter layer3.
- Fixed some bugs in the objects window.
- Changed the "Merlon" graphics tile in the locations, so that now it is more visible.
- Fixed location layer 2 tiles from n° 0109 to 0114.

Version 2.0 released on Monday 22 March 2010
This is a major realease. The program has been completely reworked and features a new map engine as well as many new features and additions.

Version 1.9 released on Tuesday 12 September 2006
- Fixed a problem with files extracted through WinZip without the "Use folder option...".
- Fixed a problem with weather in the Game Manager.

Version 1.8 released on Thursday 26 May 2005
- Added a new type of equipment: TRANSPORT. Now you can easily create a cart, wagon, mule or anything else which your character can use to get around or carry equipment.
- Added a feature to save locally or globally the following map settings: weather, random encounters and terrain descriptions. Settings saved locally can only be used in the current map, settings saved globally can be used in any map. Local settings, when present, override global ones. This speeds up a LOT the process of mapmaking.
- Added a check box to toggle the appearance of the terrain description in the Game Manager. Now terrain descriptions show only if you want to.
- Fixed some bugs on the character sheet, mostly involving inventory management and drag and drop operations.
- Fixed a bug in the Campaign Editor. When changing map, the settings for weather, random encounters and terrain descriptions remained the ones of the previous map.
- Fixed a bug with weather.
- Fixed a bug when adding a new character to a previously created group.

Version 1.7.3 released on Monday 02 May 2005
- Changed Page 4 of the character sheet. The spell managment system with check boxes was not working well so I replaced them with edit boxes.
- In the Campaign Editor I added the possibility to change a creature image from the load creature form.
- Fixed an issue with the "Magic Words" button in the Game Manager.
- Some minor tweaks and improvements at the code level.

Version 1.7.2 released on Tuesday 01 February 2005
- Added the possibility to rename characters, creatures, equipment, abilities and rules/tables.
- Added an OK button on every page of the character sheet so you don't need to go through all the pages anymore to save the data.
- In the character sheet now you can drag and drop equipment items. For instance you can move equipment from rigth hand to left hand, or from your horse to your cart.
- Improved the randomizing routines for the die rolling system.
- In the Game Manager now you can easily add any amount of experience to a character. Just right-click on the character.
- In the Game Manager now you can see the movement rate of the group which is equal to the rate of the slowest member.

Version 1.7.1 released on Friday 17 Dicember 2004
- Fixed an important issue in relation to location management. Under certain circumstances locations were not correctly saved.

Version 1.7 released on Tuesday 24 August 2004
- Added support for weather. At each movement, a weather type is randomized from a list of possible states, previously defined in the Campaign Editor.
- Total battleground! Now characters can attack other characters and creatures can attack other creatures.
- Fixed several problems and non functioning things in the battleground of the Game Manager.
- Fixed a bug when loading a map in the Game Manager.
- Fixed weight calculation for characters and their mounts.

Version 1.6 released on Friday 14 November 2003
- Added a button in the Game Manager to simulate random movement. It may be used when the group of players gets lost or in similar situations.
- Added support for language packs.
- Now you can create your custom map tiles. Just save the images as icon files in the Graphics\Icons folder with names S001, S002, S003 and so on... 
- Fixed a bug when assigning terrain names. The text box is no longer cleared every time you browse through the terrain bar.
- Fixed a bug in random encounters generation. If the creature randomized does not exist the program does not crash anymore.
- Fixed a bug when assigning information for a location. The name of the location was not correctly saved.

Version 1.5 released on Monday 30 June 2003
- Fixed a problem in the Game Manager when creating a group of characters.

Version 1.4 released on Wednesday 25 June 2003
- Added fast and easy switching between world maps in the Campaign Editor.
- Fixed a problem on the character sheet when assigning spells to a character.

Version 1.3 released on Monday 26 May 2003
- Fixed some problems during loading and saving of the character sheet that would return errors.
- Changed the generation of random encounters in the Game Manager. Random encounters are no longer created automatically at every movement on the map, instead there is a button you can use to generate them whenever you wish.
- Fixed a bug when loading a creature.

Version 1.2 released on Thursday 22 May 2003
- Fixed a problem when modifying a location map and description without having loaded its map first.
- Improved managment of locations.
- Deleted some unused fields in the character sheet.
- Deleted some unused fields in the creature sheet.
- Added the possibility to view and modify equipment, skills, spells information from the character sheet, just by double-clicking on the field.

Version 1.1 released on Friday 16 May 2003
- Changed the way you edit the hexagon maps. Now instead of clicking on each map tile you can use the mouse as if it were a brush.
- Added screen resolution checking on startup. Program now only works in 1024x768 or higher resolution.
- Fixed an I/O error when loading spells when there weren't any already saved in the folder.
- Got rid of the *.ini file. Now the program runs from any directory it is placed in.
- Fixed an error when loading a group in the Game Manager without having created a world.

Version 1.0 released on Monday 12 May 2003
